Acupuncture treats many conditions, these are just a few examples:- infertility (male and female), bad backs/necks, shoulder and knee pain, general joint pain, tendonitis, skin issues and many many more.
Acupuncture is a popular form of therapy that people have embraced now for many years. Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners such as myself, believe that chronic pain results from a blockage or imbalance of Qi - "energy". My role is therefore to correct or balance this flow. Through Acupuncture, I promote the body's natural, self healing process by stimulating specific anatomic sites, via the insertion of needles.
The 5 elements of nature are fire, earth, metal, water and wood. 5 element Acupuncture has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a method of diagnosis and treatment for over two thousand years. It is believed that we develop symptoms / diseases when these 5 elements, which exist within us, become unbalanced. Acupuncture treatment involves transferring energy to create a better balance of these 5 key elements..
Facial rejuvenation acupuncture is a holistic procedure that works with your natural energies to give you a healthier, fresher look.
The procedure works in much the same way traditional acupuncture does. Fine needles, finer than the hairs on your head, are inserted into your fine lines and are then lifted at intervals to help rebuild the collagen in your skin, giving your face an overall healthier look.
My treatment plan is tailor-made to suit the needs of my clientele and the number of procedures depends entirely on one’s skin.
After working in the health industry for a number of years, I decided to follow my vocation to become an acupuncturist.
In 2007 I became fully qualified after completing 4 years training at the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine, in Reading, and I now have a Licence in Acupuncture.
My training and qualifications, covered the Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine. I am also qualified in Cosmetic Acupuncture. This has resulted in me building a wealth of experience over the years and I have run my own private clinics in Cardiff City centre, Cowbridge and Australia.
I currently have a clinic at Gaia Lifestyle in Pontcanna, Cardiff. If you would like to arrange an appointment, or alternatively if you have initial questions regarding traditional acupuncture, cosmetic acupuncture, or my approach to fertility, then please do call me for a chat.
Tuesday all day, Weds pm, Thursday all day :- by appointment
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